Guardian Class Guide (U23)
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In no way is what you are about to read the only way to tank, it is merely a collection of my suggestions. I wrote the when cap was 100 so some of the graphics are out-dated but the principals still apply. I believe all the info is updated to U23 … if there are errors please let me know.
Before we can begin it is important that certain terminology and concepts are understood. Let’s start there.
AoE = Area of Effect. This describes the area over which the attack will effect the target. -Frontal AoE (affects targets directly in front of them). -Frontal Cone AoE (affects a narrow range of targets in front of them). -Frontal 180 Degree AoE (affects all targets in front of them). -360 Degree AoE (affects all targets in a 360 degree circle around the monster).
AoA = Area of Attack which is the same thing as AoE. As a tank you want to keep the monster(s) facing you at all times and away from the rest of the group. Essentially you want to have the monster’s back facing the group, and the monster’s front facing you. This allows the group to hit the monster from behind, gaining bonuses and avoiding frontal attacks.
Threat is generated by all classes. It is a numerical value that is assigned to you during battle that decides whether a monster attacks you or not. Monsters attack the character with the highest threat value (unless someone uses a skill over-riding threat). You cannot see this number as it runs in the background of the game. It is often referred to as a threat table. Threat can be generated in three ways; 1) Doing damage to a monster. 2) Healing a character that is doing damage to a monster. 3) Using a skill that generates threat. Threat needs to be further defined:
Raw Threat (RT) At the start of a battle everyone has zero raw threat. As soon as an attack is made you generate raw threat. Let’s say as an example that you do 1,000 damage; this may generate 1,000 raw threat.
Perceived Threat Modifier (PTM):
By default everyone has a perceived threat modifier of 100% (1.00). You can equip traits or use skills that will increase your perceived threat modifier.
Perceived Threat (PT):
Your perceived threat is your raw threat multiplied by your perceived threat modifier.
Raw threat of 1,000 and a skill was used to raise PTM by 28%. Your perceived threat would be: PT = 1,000 * 1.28 PT = 1,280.
The monsters will attack the player with the highest PERCEIVED THREAT (some exceptions will apply; i.e. some monsters ignore threat). Therefore your Perceived Threat Modifier (PTM) plays a VERY important role in tanking; the higher, the better.
How Much Threat Do Skills Generate:
It is an older thread, but Gabli from the LOTRO Forums did a nice job compiling some data:
Aggro is short for aggravation or aggregate and is commonly used in game to describe who the monsters are attacking; the person with aggro.
Guardian Stats
asterisks (*) indicate values that were true in MoM and are assumed to be still true
- Might
1 = 2 parry rating
3 ~ 1 partial parry rating
1 = 3 block rating
3 ~ 2 partial block rating
1 = 8 melee offense rating
1 = 1 common mitigation rating - Agility
1 = 3 evade rating
3 ~ 2 partial evade rating
1 = 2 parry rating
3 ~ 1 partial parry rating
1 = 1 melee/ranged crit rating - Vitality
1 = 5 morale (class dependent)
1 ~ 7.2 MOC *
1 = 2 wound/disease/poison resist rating - Will
1 = 5 tactical mastery
1 = 1 tactical mitigation
1 = 2 resist rating - Fate
1 = 2.5 tactical crit rating
1 = 1 tactical mitigation
1 = 1.5 ICMR
1 = 1.71 = 1 ICPR
1 = 24 NCPR - Armour
1 = 1 common mitigation rating
As of the release of Helm’s Deep, all classes had a complete overhaul on how their skills work. For a tank, generating threat is your role. A Guardian’s DPS skills now work on a multiplier of 3. So if you do 1,000 DPS you generate 3,000 perceived threat.
Forced Attack Skills (Instant Aggo)
These skills are used to pull monsters off of players and forcing them to attack you (Perhaps a DPS player just landed a huge critical blow and they drew aggro) or to start a battle to ensure the tank has the most aggro.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Threat | Area | Description |
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Challenge | 16 | 14m | 15 | Forced Attack (up to 15s) | Circle | You know how to goad your enemies into attacking you, leaving your allies free to manoeuvre.
+ 6,788 Parry (10s) |
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Fray the Edge | 24 | 50m | 1 | Forced Attack (up to 15s) | Single Target | Your threatening taunts and feints are causing your target to slowly unravel, increasing the chance of randomly triggering a Fellowship Manoeuvre. The chance increases with subsequent use of this skill. |
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Engage | 38 | 3.6m | 1 | Forced Attack (Up to 15s) | Single Target | You are able to press your opponent, forcing them to slow down and concentrate on defending themselves. This skill makes you the target’s most threatening opponent.
– 25% Target Run Speed |
All skills that generate DPS now generate threat. For Guardians the DPS modifier is 300% (or 3 times). If you do 1,000 DPS you will generate 3,000 perceived threat. As a Blue Line tank, these are some of the skills you will be using.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Base Threat | Area | Description |
War-Chant | 20m | 8 | 17,700 (up to 15s) | Circle | 3,437 Light Damage -5% Incoming Damage -5s Block/Parry Response Skill Cooldown |
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Shield-blow | 1 | 3.1m | 1 | 12,490 | Frontal | A strike with your shield that will open a block response.
4,043 Common Damage Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Shield-smash | 39 | 5m | 8 | 12,490 | Frontal | After a successful Bash you may use Shield-smash.
8,799 Common Damage 3s Stun Interrupts Inductions Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Shield-swipe | 2 | 4.2m | 1 | 3,840 | Circle (5m) | After successfully blocking an enemy’s blow, you may attack with both your weapon and shield.
2 Attacks: 3,191 Common Damage 1,044 – 1,672 Common (Main-hand) Damage Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Bash | 10 | 4.2m | 1 | 8,650 | Frontal | After a successful Shield-swipe, you may bash your foe again with your shield, stunning them briefly (3s).
4,266 Common Damage Interrupts Inductions Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Vexing Blow | 5 | 5m | 8 | 9,165 | Cone | A quick swipe that will strike multiple ememies.
1,441-2,169 Common (Main-hand) Damage. |
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Sweeping Cut | 4 | 5.0m | 5 | 4,600 | Frontal Half-circle (5m) | A sweeping back-and-forth strike in a frontal arc.
2 Attacks: 1,418-2,293 Common (Main-hand) Damage 913-1,522 Common (Main-hand) Damage |
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Whirling Retaliation | 6 | 5.0m | 5 | 1,758 – 2,769 | Circle | Whirl to attack enemies in a circle.
Requires a Parry Response 1,441-2,169 Common (Main-hand) Damage |
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Stagger | 26 | 4.2m | 1 | 1,902-2,985 | Frontal | An attack that impairs he target on a critical hit, or when attacking from behind.
993-1,517 Common (Main-hand) Damage When in position or crit applied: – 25% Target run speed (15s) |
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Retaliation | 2 | 4.2m | 1 | 2,004-3,087 | Frontal | A retaliation after parrying an attack.
Requires a Parry Response 1,193-1,777 Common (Main-hand) Damage |
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Sting | 1 | 4.2m | 1 | 1,671-2,754 | Frontal | A quick stinging blow.
821-1,345 Common (Main-hand) Damage Removes up to 1 Corruption Effect from the target. 20% chance to apply a block/parry response. |
These skills are used to generate threat by taunting your opponent to attack you.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Threat | Area | Description |
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Shield Taunt | Trait | 10.0m | 5 | 22,600 | Circle | Laugh at your enemies after bashing them with your shield-swipe, taunting them generates moderate threat.
– 5% Block Chance |
Understanding Fortification is essential. When using shield skills in Blue Line you will get a 50% chance to generate a “fortification buff” (with a crit it is a 100% chance plus and additional 50% chance for a 2nd) that can stack up to 5 times and remains active as long as you are in combat, and for 9 seconds while out of combat. The buff adds a 2% increase to your Physical and Tactical Mitigations per stack (max 5 stacks).
These buffs are over and above your Mitigation Caps:
You can look at the icons below your vitals to see if the buff is present, and what tier. Note: You need to have “Show Dispellable Effects Only” unchecked in your options. Notice the number 5 in the center of the shield icon in the screenshot below; this means it has stacked 5 times (maximum).
The skills in this table will build fortification buffs.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Base Threat | Area | Description |
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Shield-blow | 1 | 3.1m | 1 | 12,490 | Frontal | A strike with your shield that will open a block response.
4,043 Common Damage Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Shield-smash | 39 | 5m | 8 | 12,490 | Frontal | After a successful Bash you may use Shield-smash.
8,799 Common Damage 3s Stun Interrupts Inductions Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Shield-swipe | 2 | 4.2m | 1 | 3,840 | Frontal | After successfully blocking an enemy’s blow, you may attack with both your weapon and shield.
2 Attacks: 3,191 Common Damage 1,044 – 1,672 Common (Main-hand) Damage Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Bash | 10 | 4.2m | 1 | 8,650 | Frontal | After a successful Shield-swipe, you may bash your foe again with your shield, stunning them briefly (3s).
4,266 Common Damage Interrupts Inductions Applies a Fortification Buff |
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Vexing Blow | 5 | 5m | 8 | 9,165 | Cone | A quick swipe that will strike multiple ememies.
1,441-2,169 Common (Main-hand) Damage. |
Other Useful Tank Skills (in no particular order)
Ignore the Pain
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Ignore the Pain | 44 | Self | Self | Self | You Ignore the Pain of 1 Wound/Fear/Poison/Disease. With Yellow line traiting this can stack up to 4. |
Guardian’s Ward Tactics
This skill greatly increases your tactical mitigation, block, and parry rating for a short time. The other features are secondary. By increasing your block and parry you accomplish two things;
- Increase the chance of a generating a block or parry event unlocking the use of skills
- Increase the chance of taking less damage.
This skill has a short duration and short cooldown. You should use it at all times.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Guardian’s Ward Tactics | 66 | 4.2m | 1
1,749-2,574 Base Threat |
Self | Your great skill enables you to strengthen your defences for a short time.
808-1,279 Common (Main-hand) Damage + 6,788 Parry Rating (10s) |
This skill can be a life saver. It sets your block chance to 100% and you cannot be stunned.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Juggernaut | N/A | Self | Frontal | Blocks all attacks briefly, reflecting some damage back to your enemies.
Sets Block Chance to 100% On every Harmful skill, Targeted at you, You are immune to all combat states. |
Shield Wall
This skill can be used to protect a member of the fellowship from all damage. This can aid the healer by allowing them to focus on one less person. In some cases the shield wall is placed on the healer so they do not need to worry about keeping themselves healed. It should be noted that the damage dealt to the person shield walled hits the tank. The damage is unmitigated !!!
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Shield Wall | 50 | 15m | n/a | n/a | You protect a member of your fellowship by intercepting all incoming attacks. Target cannot Evade, Parry, or Block so it transfers all damage (unmitigated) from the target to the Guardian. It will stay active while the target is in range. |
This can be really important to use as it will lessen the damage you take and will increase the chance of a Block or Parry event.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Guardian’s Pledge | 20 | Self | Self | Self | Your great skill enables you to strengthen your defences for a short time. +20% Evade Chance (15s) +20% Parry Chance (15s) +20% Block Chance (15s) |
A life saver. The Holy Sh*t skill. When your morale dips too low for the healer to recover you pop Warrior’s Heart. You will get an immense increase in max morale and be healed to that level. It also boosts, Block, Parry, Phs. Mit, and IC Healing. To cap it off you get a damage preventing bubble.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Warrior’s Heart | 30 | Self | Self | Self | Briefly boosts max Morale, Physical Mitigation, Incoming Healing, and Block chance.
+ 10% Max Morale (20s) Restores 78% of max Morale + 920 Incoming Healing Rating + 1% Block Chance |
Catch A Breath
After a block or parry event this skill can be used to restore health and power.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Catch A Breath | 16 | Self | n/a | n/a | A self heal / power restore that executes fast, but with a lengthy animation. The block and parry events are not removed until the animation finishes, so if you block/parry again before then you will lose any extra reactions gained during that time.
+ 3,084-3,424 Morale + 920 Power |
This skill is used to restore power. The skill does not steal power of your enemies, but it does restore more power with more targets (within 10m) [up to a maximum of 3 targets].
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Thrill of Danger | 34 | 10m | 3 | Self | This ability restores a large amount of your power when used, and can help you regain momentum in a fight. Note that it restores more power the more targets you are fighting, so it’s best used when you’re in combat with at least three targets.
On any hit restores 2% Morale. |
Turn The Tables
This skill is very useful when you are stunned or dazed (effects that immobilize you). Not only does it remove the effect immediately and deal damage, it has a chance to trigger a Fellowship Manoeuvre.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Turn the Tables | 36 | 4.2m | 1 | Frontal | When dazed, stunned, or knocked down: recover from impairing effects and inflict them upon your enemy instead.
1,070-1,612 Common (Main-hand) Damage 5s Stun Chance to start a Fellowship Manoeuvre Shake off Dazes, Stuns and Fellowship Manoeuvre Stuns. Recover from being Knocked Down but not from Dread or Full Immobilize. |
The benefit to using this skill is that it can remove corruption effects from the mob.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Sting | 52 | 3.1m | 1 | Frontal | A quick stinging blow.
557-918 Common (Main-hand) Damage Removes up to 1 Corruption Effect from the target. Bolster cannot be used for 10s |
Litany of Defiance
The benefit to using this skill is that it can give an immediate mitigation boost to the Guardian while intercepting damage from the fellowship.
Icon | Ability | Level | Max Range | Max Targets | Area | Description |
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Litany of Defiance | 7.2m | 5 | Circle (7m) | Cashes out all fortifications and gives the guard double their mitigations (from fortifications) for a short period.
Intercepts up to 50% (10% per stack) of the fellowship’s damage for a short period of time. Slows enemy attacks by 20%. |
I have been asked several times what rotation I use for my skills. I am actually not a person that uses a rotation for several reasons;
- The game is much more than mashing keys in a repeated order.
- Each scenario will demand a different set of skills to be used at different times.
- If a block / parry response happens, then different skills will be used than if it does not happen.
- If you fully understand what each skill does, you will know when to use them. Study what they do.
- Practice and experiment … you will find your own style.
- Tanking is an art … master it.
Everyone is going to have their own style and their own preferences for how they set up their quick slots. This is how I have done mine.
For a Guardian the following racial traits should be selected.
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Shield Brawler | Your defensive combat abilities have been improved. + Block Rating |
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Endurance of Stone | For a short amount of time, you can withstand blows that would batter a weaker race’s Morale into dust. |
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Head-butt | Allows you to smash an enemy with your head for damage. x Common Damage There is a chance your opponent will be dazed by your combat prowess.
3s Daze 100% break chance on damage after 1s Apply to target on Critical and Devastating Critical: 25% Chance to apply |
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Fateful Dwarf | You are a dwarf of great influence. Your Fate is improved. +20 Fate |
And one of these three (if you are maxed in the virtues Fidelity, Loyalty, and Honesty then choose Guile & Might or Dwarf Axe Damage Bonus).
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Virtuous Dwarf | The Virtues of the Dwarves are represented strongly in you. This trait does not apply to unequipped or capped Virtues. +1 Fidelity +1 Loyalty +1 Honesty |
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Guile & Might Bonus | You receive a bonus to Spider’s Guile and Ent’s Strength contributions. +5.0% to damage from Guile Fellowship Skills +5.0% to damage from Might Fellowship Skills |
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Dwarf Axe Damage Bonus | Dwarf Axe-damage Bonus +5.0% One-handed Axe Damage +5.0% Two-handed Axe Damage |
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Hobbit Resilience | You can raise your Fellowship’s Hope value through good old-fashioned hobbit-cheer. This does not stack with other Hope buffs. |
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Guile and Conviction Bonus | You receive a bonus to Spider’s Guile and Eagle’s Cry contributions +5.0% to damage from Guile Fellowship Skills +5.0% to morale restoration from Conviction Fellowship Skills |
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Hobbit Club Damage Bonus | +5% to 1H & 2H Club damage |
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Hobbit Stature | You have overcome your humble beginnings and play a mighty role in this age. Your Might is improved. +20 Might |
And one of these two (if you are maxed in the virtues Idealism, Empathy, and Honesty then choose Stoop For A Stone).
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Virtuous Hobbit | The Virtues of the Hobbits are represented strongly in you. This trait does not apply to unequipped or capped Virtues. +1 Idealism +1 Empathy +1 Honesty |
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Stoop For A Stone | You gain a short-distance ranged attack. |
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Friend of Man | You are devoted to guiding the race of Man. Your Fate is improved. +20 Fate |
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Eldar’s Grace | With the speed and grace of the Eldar, you can put up a strong parry defence. +75% Parry Chance +5% Partial Parry Mitigation Duration 10s Requires: Eldar’s Grace Trait Equipped Cooldown: 1h |
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Power of the Eldar | Adds a bonus to your fellowship’s Power. Effects applied to the Fellowship within 20 meters: +2% Maximum Power Duration 10m Cost: … Power Requires: Power of the Eldar Trait Equipped Cooldown: 1h |
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One-handed Sword Damage | Elf One-handed Sword Damage Bonus +5% One-handed Sword Damage |
And one of these two (if you are maxed in the virtues Wisdom, Charity, and Patience then choose Tactics and Convictions Bonus).
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Tactics and Convictions Bonus | You receive a bonus to Eagle’s Cry and Stallion’s Spirit contributions. +5.0% to power restoration from Tactics Fellowship Skills +5.0% to morale restoration from Conviction Fellowship Skills |
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Virtuous Elf | The Virtues of the Elves are represented strongly in you. This trait does not apply to unequipped or capped Virtues. +1 Wisdom +1 Charity +1 Patience |
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Duty Bound | You provide a bonus to your Fellowship’s Morale. Adds a bonus to your fellowship’s morale Effects applied to the Fellowship within 20 meters: +2% Maximum Morale Duration: 10m Cost: … Power Requires: Duty-bound Trait Equipped Cooldown: 1h |
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Balance of Man | The Race of Man grows eerily proficient at the art of war. +[4 * Level] Evade Rating +[4 * Level] Parry Rating +[4 * Level] Block Rating |
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Strength of Morale | Restores 2200 – 3000 Morale |
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Man Sword Damage Bonus | Man Sword-damage Bonus
+5% One-handed Sword Damage |
And one of these two (if you are maxed in the virtues Justice, Confidence, and Patience then choose Tactics and Might Bonus).
Icon | Trait | Description |
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Virtuous Man | The Virtues of Men are represented strongly in you. This trait does not apply to unequipped or capped Virtues.
+1 Justice |
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Tactics and Might Bonus | You receive a bonus to Stallion’s Spirit and Ent’s Strength contributions.
+5.0% to power restoration from Tactics Fellowship Skills |
Since a good portion of your decision making must be based on math … it is wise to have a calculator handy. For those that are mathematically challenged, there is a good plugin called StatCalc which you can use to figure out how much you need to add to max out a category. Please note that this plugin has not been updated since April 2013, but it will get you close.
The current Stat Caps are (as of U24):
Since you can max out on certain stats it is important to plan how you will do this BEFORE applying your Essences. Most of the above stats can be maxed out by Virtues, Jewellery, and Legendary Items (Base Stats, Runes, Gems, Settings, and Crafted). Thus using Essences on them could be wasteful.
Suggested Minimum End Game (T3) Build (U24)
In order of importance:
STAT | % | Base # |
Tactical Mitigation | 60 | 245,000 |
Physical Mitigation | 60 | 235,000 |
Block | 18 | 69,000 |
Parry | 13 | 50,500 |
Evade | 11 | 44,000 |
Partial Block | 17 | 135,000 |
Partial Parry | 9 | 75,000 |
Partial Evade | 3.5 | 30,000 |
Morale | 240,000 | |
IC Healing | 5 | 4,000 |
Finesse | 21 | 60,000 |
Resistance | 23 | 63,000 |
Critical Defence | 46 | 90,000 |
All of this changed with U24 (this section needs updating)
Before you start planning what Essences you want to add to your armour you should first look at your Virtues. The current maximum is rank 20, and the chart below shows the maximum value each virtue can add to the various stats. Plan your gear based around maxed out Virtues … and get out there and finish your deeds (or hit the LOTRO Store).
Vit | Pwr | Arm | Fate | Will | ICPR | Phys Mit | OCPR | Tact Mit | Agi | ICMR | Mor | OCMR | Might | Resist | |
Innocence | +3281 | +1096 | +3488 | ||||||||||||
Zeal | +607 | +1968 | +1164 | ||||||||||||
Discipline | +1096 | +368 | +3488 | ||||||||||||
Fortitude | +2191 | +244 | +2096 | ||||||||||||
Valour | +1164 | +1642 | +123 | ||||||||||||
Justice | +455 | +585 | +1096 | ||||||||||||
Determination | +368 | +341 | +291 | ||||||||||||
Tolerance | +3281 | +244 | +229 | ||||||||||||
Mercy | +1638 | +1968 | +123 | ||||||||||||
Compassion | +3281 | +1228 | +1096 | ||||||||||||
Charity | +1968 | +820 | +6983 | ||||||||||||
Patience | +328 | +1096 | +3488 | ||||||||||||
Wisdom | +368 | +244 | +2096 | ||||||||||||
Confidence | +244 | +167 | +6983 | ||||||||||||
Idealism | +368 | +123 | +3488 | ||||||||||||
Empathy | +1823 | +244 | +2096 | ||||||||||||
Honesty | +495 | +1096 | +123 | ||||||||||||
Loyalty | +320 | +250 | +607 | ||||||||||||
Fidelity | +244 | +124 | +3281 | ||||||||||||
Honour | +123 | +1968 | +6983 |
You can go HERE to see a full list of available Guardian Traits.
Blue Line – The Defender of the Free
The traits in the Blue Line are designed to increase threat.
Yellow Line – The Fighter of Shadow
The traits in the Yellow Line increase defence.
Red Line – The Keen Blade
The traits in the Red Line are to deal damage.
Tanking In Blue Line
Since this is a write-up on tanking, we will look at the Blue Line build:
There are 7 Tiers you can unlock within this line (see below), and you should work to unlock them all:
Tier 1: Guardian’s Defence:
This bonus essentially boosts your defensive skills (see screenshot).
Tier 2: Adaptability
This bonus allows you to increase your Block and Parry ratings (above cap) while in combat (stackable 3 times). This bonus requires you to be hit for it to kick in.
Tier 3: Shield Wall
This bonus allows you to take damage from one fellow member and and place it all on yourself. This can be especially useful when placed on the healer. Keep in mind, that the FULL UNMODIFIED damage comes your way.
Tier 4: Challenge the Darkness
This bonus will add 5 additional targets to your Challenge skill, and when Challenge is used it applies the same buffs as your Guardian’s Ward Tactics skill.
Tier 5: Strengthen the Bulwark
This bonus builds your fortifications (mitigations).
Tier 6: Bolstering Blocks
This bonus does minor heals each time you block. While it sounds menial … don’t under estimate it’s worth.
Tier 7: Shield the People
This bonus adds to the % chance that a fortification buff will be added. In addition, at 5 fortifications it provides a mitigation buff to the fellowship.
As you can see from the image below, I chose to spec The Defender of the Free (Blue Line) with some The Fighter of Shadow (Yellow Line).
Presently I do not feel it is worth spending points in to the following Blue Line Traits;
- Tireless Defender – You should not be having power issues.
- Smashing Stab – It has its purpose for potentially creating a fellowship manoeuver, but to use it you are likely not using a shield skill.
- Improved Shield Spikes – This is good for creating damage, but as a tank that is just not your role. I know that damage = threat, but there are better ways to generate it and give benefits to your defence (and the fellowship’s).
- Disorientation – It reduces the enemy’s Block, Parry, and Evade. This is useful, but I felt there were more useful Yellow Line Traits.
- Stoic – It has a chance to provide a damage preventing bubble when using Warrior’s Heart.
- Break Ranks – This skill removes all fortifications and then does damage. There is no reason to be taking off fortifications, except to buff the fellow (via Litany of Defiance). The trade-off is simply not worth it.
Blue Line Traits that I spend points on;
- Relentless Assault (4)
- Defensive Expertise (5)
- Guardian’s Pledge (1)
- Guardian’s Ward: Tactics (5)
- Shield-Smash (1)
- Reversal (5)
- Bellow (5)
- Follow Through (3)
- Warrior’s Fortitude (1)
- Juggernaut (1)
Yellow Line Traits that I spent points on;
- Insult to Injury (2) – Spend 2 points here just to advance the yellow line.
- Radiate (3) – 3 points.
- High-spirited (5) – Max this out and it provides a +5% to your incoming healing rating.
- Numbed Senses (3) – This adds an additional 3 debuff removals to Ignore the Pain. While I would have prefered to not spend any points on this trait, the other options to advance the tree were not as good.
- War-chant (1) – This is a skill with range and multiple targets that draws aggro.
- Thrill of Danger (1) – Adds some heals and regens power.
- Demoralizing Anthem (5) – When maxed this adds +5 targets to War-chant and adds 100% range to War-chant. This is really handy when tanking.
- Redirect (1) – Reflects damage back at the mob.
- Bring on the Pain (4) – Adds more heals to Thrill of Danger.
- Vicious Rebuttal (3) – Adds more reflect to Redirect and adds an absorb damage component.
This is absolutely brilliant !! Great job.
Just quick question. Are you willing to prepare a guides for other classes ?
Yes, but I need assistance with some as I do not play all classes at end game level.