Remmorchant – The Net of Darkness (Boss 2)
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There are a lot of mechanics to this fight, most of which can be overcome by shear DPS. Nonetheless, we will discuss them.
For T1/T2 it can be done with a solo tank. For T3+ it is recommended to have 2 tanks unless the group is solid with all classes firing on all cylinders. The role of the second tank is to hold aggro of the Daughters (and adds) while the main tank holds Thossulun. When the beetles spawn (see below for more info) the secondary tank picks up their aggro and kites them on the opposite side of the arena as far away from the group as possible. Once the beetles tick to Building Volatility 4, they need to be ready to sprint away from them, as once they tick to 5 they will explode. Guards should use Charge or Cappies use Make Haste.

Thossulun – Phase 1:
Thossulun does not move. The fight begins with the tank grabbing aggro of Thossulun and standing just to the left of her (as you face her). Mere seconds after the fight starts a Daughter will enter the arena from the left chamber. The tank needs to grab aggro of the daughter and then position her such that she is near Thossulun, but not too close. The boss has an “aura” and so does the daughter, the ideal tanking position does not allow these auras to overlap, but the tank is still in melee range of Thossulun. At no point should the tank leave melee range of Thossulun, doing so can result in her spitting out Acrid Gas (a DoT poison puddle). Thossulun has a shield protecting her from damage, the only way to remove it is to kill the daughter within close range of her.
Thossulun and the Daughter will both put a pheromone on the person that hold their aggro. It is important that these both be on the tank to mitigate the damage they take from the Matron of the Hive buff the gredbyg receive.
All players (except the tank) should be grouped up close to a hind leg of the Daughter, this accomplishes two things;
1) You will avoid her Jaw Cleave attack (frontal).
2) All of the adds will come to the group and AoE DPS can be more effective.
T1: While DPSing the Daughter down there will be adds that enter; Winged Grodbog (these put DoT bleeds called Venomous Sting on people that can stack) and Volatile Beetles (they do very little damage until they tier up to Building Volatility 5 and explode). Volatile Beetles enter at 1:15 and then every 60 seconds thereafter. If the DPS is strong enough you will get the Daughter down quickly and the Volatile Beetles will not enter the arena before the Daughter is dead (or at least very close to it). If DPS is slow on the Daughter, they should switch to kill the beetles and then go back on the Daughter.
T2+: There will be a Grodbog Blight-Spitter that enters 1 minute after each Daughter spawn. The Spitter does an induction called Acid Bombardment that will put a green eye on someone. If you do not CJ (fellowship maneuver) during the induction, the Spitter will spit out a fairly large acid bombardment puddle. Once the Spitter is down, re-focus on the Daughter.
T1-T5: DPS the Daughter down to 10% health. At 10% the tank needs to back up under Thossulun and drag the Daughter closer. This will overlap the auras, but only for a short time.
Thossulun – Phase 2:
The moment the Daughter dies, Thossulun’s shield will drop and she will be vulnerable to DPS. At this point all buffs/debuffs (i.e. Oathies, Ancient Craft, Double Enrage, etc.) should be on Thossulun.
Scenario 1: There is enough DPS in the group to get Thossulun down to 50% health before her shield re-appears. In this case she will enter Phase 3. Jump to Phase 3 of the guide.
Scenario 2: There is not enough DPS in the group to get Thossulun down to 50% health before her shield re-appears. Phase 2 continues …
A second Daughter will spawn from the right side of the arena. The same mechanics should be followed as the first Daughter. Once this Daughter dies it is likely that Thossulun will not need much damage to get her to 50% health so you should NOT use all buffs/debuffs (i.e. Oathies, Ancient Craft, etc.), but rather just DPS her normally. If you get Thossulun to 50% jump to Phase 3 of this guide. If not, another Daughter will spawn from the left side. This rinse/repeats until you get Thossulun to 50%.
Thossulun – Phase 3:
Thossulun now breaks free and can move about the instance. It is important for the tank to keep her in place, right where she was at the start of the fight. If she roams around, she drops blue puddles on the ground [need to insert info on this as I do not let her move so not sure what it is called 🙂 ]. Don’t stand in the blue puddles.
The tank generally stands near the mouth of the alcove that she is in (with their back to a wall) and the rest of the group puts their back to any wall of the alcove. This is to prevent being knocked back by her attacks, or at least not very far.
If beetles are in the group they should be killed before targeting Thossulun. At this point it is about survival, and the beetles are the only mechanic that can wipe the group, so they die at all costs; they spawn at every 60 seconds at this point. Keep watch for Venomous Sting on players, if they get 2+ they will need some focused heals. DPS until Thossulun is dead 🙂
If you have found this information to be helpful, please consider an in game donation to Dadi (on Arkenstone) or better yet a couple of dollars to buy me a beer.
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