Raid Guide: The Anvil of Winterstith – Boss 2
If you have found this information to be helpful, please consider an in game donation to Dadi (on Arkenstone) or better yet a couple of dollars to buy me a beer.
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Ingór I the Cruel shouts, ”The harps are gone, the fires are out
The shadows gather all about
Yet from the north and far away
Still sounds the song of Mountains Grey
King or common, fool or clever
It lures us always, tempting ever
Brothers, can you hear the call
Of long-lamented Thafar-gathol?”
Ingór I the Cruel shouts, ”We, the Thirteen Kings, lost our lives seeking Thafar-gathol.”
Ingór I the Cruel shouts, ”The dragon is ringbearer now, and beckons us forth.
Ingór I the Cruel shouts, ”Turn back now, or you too shall be lost!”
Ingór I the Cruel says, ‘‘Your allies cannot save you!”
Rúrek VI the Shamed says, ”What have I done?!”
Óiko II Rill-seeker says, ”Get out of my way!”
Brántokh I Cracktooth says, ”Say hello to my hammer!”
Ingór I the Cruel says, ”You will join us in death!”
Ingór I the Cruel says, ”Your will falters, ‘hero’!”
Kill these first. They get a Feeding Frenzy buff that tiers up over time (+10% Melee Damage and +10% Melee Crit). Each subsequent tier adds 10%.
Frost-Bound Defiler
Interrupt their inductions. Other than that they are pretty harmless. If there are Whelplings, kill them first and then Defilers.
They do two big attacks:
Frost Breath (tactical) – This a frontal cone attack. Only the tank should be getting hit by this.
Clinging Breath (tactical) – This is a frontal attack that only the tank should be getting hit by.
They put a Chilling Cold wound on you that does 2,652 frost damage initially and then again every 2 seconds. This is not pottable/removable.
Elder Frost-Drake
They do all of the same as Frost-Drakes, but also have a Blue Eye that they will put on someone.
She will then focus a Frost-Breath attack toward them. This attack is a frontal, cone shaped attack. The person with the eye should run to one side away from the group (but stay within heal range) or run to he tank; the healer can focus heal them. A group with enough mits and strong heals may elect to just have the person with the eye do nothing (or run to the tank).
Each week Ingor I The Cruel will summon different dwarves to his side to aid him in battle. Therefore, the strategy will change from week to week.
Tier 1 – 3 Dwarf Kings
Tier 2 – 4 Dwarf Kings
Tier 3 – 5 Dwarf Kings
The order in which to kill the Dwarf Kings is entirely subjective and each group may do this differently. Below is my suggested kill order.
Ingor I The Cruel
He does a wound (not pottable) that does 291,108 common damage every 3 seconds. The only way to remove this is to be healed to full health.
Cruel Strike debuff stacks (to tier 10). Each tier adds a -10% incoming healing debuff on the tank for 1m. Generally an off tank will grab aggro (when depends on T1, T2, T3) and let this expire on the main tank. The main tank then re-aggros.
Kill Order (1): He is always killed 1st.
Rurek VI Shamed
He will get a temporary morale bubble (Contemplation) for 30s (at the same time he gets a +30% incoming ranged and +30% incoming tactical damage debuff). If you do not dps through this bubble in time, he heals for 15% of his maximum morale and buffs himself with Renewed Vigor (+100% Melee Damage and +100 Melee Crit Chance for 1min).
Kill Order (2): If he is allowed to heal mobs it makes the fight difficult to finish before the enrage buff.
He gets a buff called Stoneface’s gaze that reflects +75% Melee/Ranged and give him a 100% Melee Crit chance. Tactical classes have to burn him down fast.
He “marks” the target he is aggroed on that then give all mobs that hit that target a damage buff.
Kill Order (3): His buff is pretty dangerous.
Dobruz the Unheeding
He gets a Fixated buff that causes him to focus aggro on someone for 15s. Although, am immediate re-taunt draws him right back.
Kill Order (4): Right after Ingor I the Cruel is dead.
Luvek I The Rueful
He gets a buff called Sorrow that tiers up to 10. It does +10% Melee Damage and +10% Melee Crit Chance per tier. It is a 30s buff.
He can also get another buff called Rueful Watch that increases his Melee Damage 100% and his Melee Crit Chance +100% for 30s.
Kill Order (5): His buff is pretty dangerous.
Brunek I Clovenbrow
Randomly aggros on a target for 15s. This can be interrupted when he is channeling. A quick re-taunt will also pull him back upon expiry.
Kill Order (6): His interrupt is often missed because it is a channeling rather than an induction.
Mozun III Wyrmsbane
He summons a Cold Worm that marks random people with a blue eye; the worm then hits them with a frost breath (simply move to one side). The Dwarf Kings actually attack the worm if the group wipes.
Kill Order (7): The eye can be a pain.
Oiko II Rill-Seeker
Raises his hammer and says; “Get out of my way” just before dropping an ice path directly in front of him that does massive damage to those in its way.
When you first start the fight have everyone stand off to one side of the instance, his first ice path will be directly in front of him. After that, he should always be facing the tank; therefore, it is just the tank that needs to move out f his way.
Kill Order (8): Generally harmless, he can be annoying as the tank has to remember to move.
Dobruz II Stark-Heart
When he inducts he says; “You will not harm them”. If you fail to interrupt the induction he give’s a buff called Starkheart’s Protection to his allies that multiplies their armour by 2 (50% incoming damage reduction) and decreases their ranged and tactical damage by 50% for 45s.
Kill Order (9): If you miss his interrupt it sucks.
Oiko I The Bellower
Does an induction that needs to be interrupted or the rest of the mobs get a buff called Bellowing Warcry that gives +100 Melee/Ranged damage and +100% Melee Crit Chance for 1 min.
Kill Order (10): Last of the mobs with an interrupt.
Kuzek I Squint-Eye
Does a frontal AoE stun.
If you are behind him (180 degrees) you will get the Safe from Squinteye buff.
Kill Order (11):
Brantokh I Cracktooth
Does a stun on the person they are aggroed on.
Kill Order (12):
Brantokh II The Sunderer
Raises his hammer over his head and says; “I’ll bring this mountain down on your heads!”. When his hammer crashes to the ground all those within Xm (it is at least 10m) will be damaged and stunned.
The general strategy is to have an off tank keep him away from the group. This off tank only takes the Sunderer. The LM in the group keeps anti-stun on the off tank at all times. If the Sunderer raises his hammer, the off tank moves away and as soon as the animation is done, moves back to tank him.
Kill Order (13): He is generally killed last. With that said, some groups are electing to drag him to the main tank right after Ingor is dead and kill him 2nd. This takes a coordinated group (especially with melee DPS present to move out of the way of his hammer attack.
Each time a king is killed, the others get a tiered buff called Fury of the Zhelruka.
Tier 1
+10% Melee Crit Chance (each tier adds 10%)
+20% Melee Damage (tier 2 is 50%, and then 20% per tier)
+20% Ranged Damage (tier 2 is 50%, and then 20% per tier)
This fight can generally be done with one tank.
Since there are many different combinations for which Dwarf Kings could be present, I will not be listing every strategy for each combo. Refer above to their kill orders.
Assign interrupt duties to specific toons for specific mobs such that you do not waste them by two people using one on the same mob. It is imperative that the interrupts happen.
Generally the DPS group starts off on the right side and the tank in the middle. This allows the tank to run in, grab aggro, and turn the mobs without having the group get hit with a frontal attack. Once the tank is in position, melee and ranged can stack up behind the mobs. This allows the Cappy to put a banner down that benefits everyone.
Burn Ingor down first. When the tank gets Ingor’s bleed they need to call it out so the healer can get them to full health ASAP and remove it (or if it is a Guard tanking they can hit Warrior’s Heart).
Once Ingor is down the DPS shifts to the next most dangerous Dwarf King (see above).
If Ingor’s Cruel Strike debuff is too much to handle then add an off tank and have them switch aggro to remove the debuff.
There is a 10 minute timer on this fight before the mobs get an Enrage buff that tiers up quickly. If the mob(s) have the Enrage buff the tank needs to kite and hope that the group can get them down fast enough.
Since the only thing different from T2 to T3 is the amount of Dwarf Kings present, the strategy remains the same.
Since there are many different combinations for which Dwarf Kings could be present, I will not be listing every strategy for each combo. Refer above to their kill orders.
Assign interrupt duties to specific toons for specific mobs such that you do not waste them by two people using one on the same mob. It is imperative that the interrupts happen.
Generally the DPS group starts off on the right side, the main tank in the middle, and the off-tank to the left.
This allows the tank to run in, grab aggro, and turn the mobs without having the group get hit with a frontal attack.
The off-tank simultaneously grabs aggro on the Sunderer and pulls it out of range of the group.
Once the tank is in position, melee and ranged can stack up behind the mobs. This allows the Cappy to put a banner down that benefits everyone.
Start on Ingor. Stay on TA and use as much AoE as possible.
Grabs all mobs except the Sunderer.
The off tank has the Sunderer at a range from the main group that will prevent damage/stuns when he does his hammer attack. They must also be in heal range. When the Sunderer raises his hammer and says; “I’ll bring this mountain down on your heads!”, they move off to the side to avoid the stun/damage. As soon as the animation is complete they run back to the Sunderer.
When the tank gets Ingor’s bleed they need to call it out so the healer can get them to full health ASAP and remove it (or if it is a Guard tanking they can hit Warrior’s Heart).
Ingor will tier up his Cruel Strike debuff (minus incoming healing) on the main tank. In order to get rid of this, the Off-tank must pull Ingor to them and allow the Cruel Strike debuff to expire on the main tank. Once it has expired the main tank re-taunts. The tier at which Cruel Strike hits before the off-tank pulls will depend on the skill level of the group.
Once Ingor is down the DPS shifts to the next most dangerous Dwarf King (see above for suggested kill order).
There is a 10 minute timer on this fight before the mobs get an Enrage buff that tiers up quickly. If the mob(s) have the Enrage buff the tank needs to kite and hope that the group can get them down fast enough.

– Purple Jewellery (common)
– Purple Armour (common)
– Teal Jewelery (very rare)
– Purple off hand weapons (common)
– Rime of the Anvil (very rare)
– IXP Runes (common)
– Housing Items (common)
– Teal Shoulder [3 slot set bonus] (common)
– Teal Jewellery (common)
– Purple off hand weapons (common)
– Rime of the Anvil (rare)
– Winterstith Runes – Purple (rare)
– IXP Runes (common)
– Housing Items (common)
T3 (work in progress)
– Teal Shoulder [3 slot set bonus] (common)
– Teal Helm [3 slot set bonus] (common)
– Cuffs (slotted set bonus)
– Bracers (non slotted set bonus)
– Teal Rings (slotted set bonus)
– Teal Bands (non slotted set bonus)
– Teal Jewellery (common)
– Purple off hand weapons (common)
– Rime of the Anvil (rare)
– Winterstith Runes – Teal (rare)
– IXP Runes (common)
– Housing Items (common)
If you have found this information to be helpful, please consider an in game donation to Dadi (on Arkenstone) or better yet a couple of dollars to buy me a beer.
Every Bit Helps Keep The Site Going
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