Big Battle Guides

Big Battles: Deeping Wall (12 Man)


The Deeping Wall is a 12 man Epic Battle. It requires that you complete Helm’s Dike (solo or duo) before it will unlock. This “raid” style Epic Battle will require coordination, clear direction, and most importantly … precisely following of directions.

It is recommended to run the Solo / Duo version of Deeping Wall to get the hang of the general layout of the wall, the catapults, and some of the side quests (Breaching the Hornburg, Securing the Culvert, Vanguard Defilers, and Vandals in the Tower). The rest of the side quests are only available via the “raid” version.

It is not recommended that toons under rank 3 attempt this run (unless the rest of the group is strong and the leader approves prior to starting it), as you do not have the necessary skills to positively contribute to the success of the run (i.e. upgrading damages on barricades, long duration and increased damage for your traps, etc.).

Your “raid” leader will assign each person to a group and then define their roles. To nail platinums it will take some practice working together and knowing your role within the group you are assigned.


The side quest order for the HD Raid can be predicted, they follow a specific order based on where the first attack of the main battle occurs, then the second and finally the third. Below is a list of all the possible side quests and where they occur (West Wall, Center Wall, or East Wall) and the order in which they will pop up. Click on the side quest and it will jump to the walkthrough.

Before a side quest starts you can use Rock Drops (on the same side as your catapult team is targeting) to get it started faster. NEVER use Rock Drops during a side quest. When the Side Quest is over, use Rock Drops to end that section of the wall.


1) Breaching the Hornburg

2) Securing the Culvert

3) Shells in the Air


1) Vandals in the Tower

2) Siege Under Fire

3) Vanguard Delilers


1) Assault on the East Tower

2) Flanking Foe

3) Bred for Battle

As an example; the main attack starts on the Center Wall, the next attack is on the East Wall, and the last one is on the West Wall … the side quests will be (in order):

1) Vandals in the Tower

2) Flanking Foe

3) Shells in the Air

Knowing which ones are about to come up is integral to preparing ahead of time and having a better shot at platinums.


The following 3 Side Quests (Securing the Culvert, Siege Under Fire, and Flanking Foe) occur during the second wave of attacks on the Dike. All 3 of these take place behind the dike (down below). There are 2 staircases (Center-West and Center-East) in the towers you can use to get down below. Once down below this is the general overview of the area (See Screenshot Below):

From the screenshot above there are 2 main points that the groups will assemble; “CULVERT” and “HOUSES.”

The screenshot below is for the setup of “HOUSES – SIEGE UNDER FIRE / FLANKING FOE”:

The screenshot below is for the setup of “CULVERT – SIEGE UNDER FIRE / FLANKING FOE”: (the inside of the Culvert cannot be seen but will be described later on)

The screenshot below is for the setup of “CULVERT – SECURING THE CULVERT”: (inside the Culvert cannot be seen but will be described coming up)


WHERE: West Wall (Inside the tower of the left side of the West Wall).

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 1 Any, 1 Catapult): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (Everyone Else): Before the side quest pops, be ready at the door of the West Tower of the West Wall.

STRATEGY: Two people at the start of the Instance will have picked up the two barricades from the far East Tower of the East Wall. These people should run and place them perpendicular in front of the windows of the West Tower of the West Wall.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks.

The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). It is important that they keep their eyes out for Firestarters and disarm their explosive boxes (they place them at the bases of the banners). If one goes off the banner will catch on fire; make sure to extinguish it by clicking on it and then the bucket icon. Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2A/B: Two people will run to the far East Tower of the East Wall and grab the two barricades. They will then run to the door of the West Tower on the West Wall and wait for the side quest to pop. Once the door opens one person will drop a barricade perpendicular in front of the left window and one in front of the right window (good to designate who is doing which one ahead of time).

The rest of Team 2A/B will run in and assist with building the barricades and upgrading their damage. Once built and upgraded place tripwires in front of the windows, followed by bear traps behind.

The team (2A/B) needs to burn down the mobs that come through the windows as quickly as possible. The mobs will run to the Healing Stores (crates in the room), the door on the east side of the room, and to the soldiers.

Ranged DPS (2B) can stand near the door (switch the commander to 2 handed damage), and in between waves of the side quest, can target mobs on the main wall and assist with Team 1.

For extra bonus toward a Platinum you can heal the wounded soldiers (along the back walls) by clicking on them and pressing the heal icon. Once the initial wave of mobs is down you can have one ranged DPS run between these soldiers healing them.


WHERE: Center Wall (Inside the tower of the west side of the Center Wall and inside the tower of the east side of the Center Wall) and Culvert area.

TEAM 1 (1 Healer and 2 Catapult): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2A (2 DPS): Before the side quest pops, be ready in the West Tower of the Center Wall

TEAM 2B (3 DPS): Before the side quest pops, head down to the CULVERT and prepare.

TEAM 3 (4 DPS): Before the side quest pops, be ready in the East Tower of the Center Wall.

STRATEGY: Two people at the start of the Instance will have picked up the two barricades from the far East Tower of the East Wall. These people should run and place them in front of the windows of the East Tower of the Center Wall.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the enemy catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks. The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2A: Heads inside the West Tower of the Center Wall. Your focus will be the mobs coming in through the two windows (see screenshot below). Place tripwires in front of the windows, and then bear traps. Burn down the mobs quickly, if any get past you … chase them down. If they place crates (explosives) on the ground, click on them and disarm them. After wave 8, no more mobs will hit the West Tower so move to the East Tower or the wall to help out (whichever needs it most).

TEAM 2B: Head down the stairs inside the Left Tower of the Center Wall and then continue west until you get to the CULVERT (see screenshot in the Behind (below) the Dike section of this write-up). Drop a tripwire near the far end inside the culvert (not too close to the opening or the mobs get trapped and you cannot hit them) and then bear traps behind the tripwire. The mobs here will spawn in the Culvert and then either run up the stairs to get to the Winch that TEAM 2A is defending, or they will run along behind the dike to SUPPLIES #1 (see screenshot in the Behind (below) the Dike section of this write-up). At all costs your focus is on the mobs that try to get to the SUPPLIES #1. If you happen to lose a mob and it runs up the stairs, let it go, TEAM 2A will take care of it.

TEAM 3: Heads inside the East Tower of the Center Wall. Your focus will be the mobs coming in through the two windows (see screenshot below). You will place the barricades (pick them up from the East Tower of the East Wall) in front of the windows. Place tripwires and then bear traps behind the barricades. Burn down the mobs quickly, if any get past you … chase them down. If they place crates (explosives) on the ground, click on them and disarm them. Keep an eye on mobs that come up over the wall and try to run up to the top of the tower.


WHERE: East Wall (Inside the tower of the right side of the East Wall – All 3 levels).

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (4 DPS): Before the side quest pops, be ready near the door of the Right Tower of the East Wall. Build both barricades beside each other and perpendicular to the wall just left of the most eastern rock drop.

TEAM 3 (2): Place tripwires in front of the windows of the 2nd level of the tower (one level above the main wall). Upgrade the Commander in the room to 2 Handed Weapons and Target Priority to Sappers.

TEAM 4 (2): Place tripwires in front of the crenels (openings of the wall) at the top of the East tower. Upgrade the Commander to 2 Handed Weapons and Target Priority to Sappers.

STRATEGY: Get the barricades that appear during the side quest built and upgraded as quickly as possible.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks. The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: You will be responsible for the spawns that try to enter the room of the East Tower and targeting mobs before they run up the stairs. In between waves of mobs, pick off the ones on the wall to assist Team 1, and build and upgrade barricades.

TEAM 3: You are responsible for the spawns that occur on the second level of the East Tower. The spawns come through the two windows. In addition, occasionally there will be mobs that get past Team 2 and they will enter via the doorway. Place a tripwire (near the window) on the left and right side of the ballista. Assist with upgrading barricades that are placed on the stairs by Team 1. In between waves, the ranged DPS can head to the stairs and target mobs on the main wall.

TEAM 4: You are responsible for the spawns that occur on the top level of the East Tower. The spawns will come up over the wall via the crenels. In addition, mobs will occassionally get by Team 1 and run to the top of the tower. They enter via the stairs.

When the side quest is over be sure to pick up all the barricades (you can carry one small and one large at the same time). When you disable a barricade the box sometimes hides in the floor. Use your delete key to locate it and press U to pick it up.


WHERE: Behind the West side of the Dike

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (8 People): Culvert

STRATEGY: Team 2 needs to get down below before the side quest pops up. You will need to setup (see screenshot below).

TEAM 1: One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side). The rest stays on the wall. Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: Setup the barricades (get them from the East Tower and/or from the Assault on the East Tower) inside the Culvert near the far end and then place 1 Tripwire. The rest of the group drops bear traps. One person switch the Commander to 2 handed damage. You need to have one person responsible for clicking on labourers to make haste (speed them up). The labourers carry rocks to the Culvert and block it off. Protect the labourers at all costs.

DPS the heck out of anything that enters the Culvert; at one point there will be two large boss Trolls (tankish toons help with this). Each tank take one troll (see screenshot below). All out DPS one then the other. Head back to the inside of the Culvert.


WHERE: Behind the West side of the Dike / Top of the West tower of the Center wall and Top of the East tower of the Center wall

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (3 People): Culvert

TEAM 3 (3People): Houses

TEAM 4 (2 Tanks) : One at the top of each tower (on either side of the wall battle).

STRATEGY: Team 2 and 3 get down below before the side quest pops up. You will need to setup for the “HOUSES” and “CULVERT” areas.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks. The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: Heads to the “HOUSES” area (see screenshot below) and sets up both barricades (from the initial East Tower), Tripwires, and Bear Traps (see screenshot below). The mobs will spawn and try to attack the Supplies #2. This is simply a DPS them down sort of fight. If a mob gets away from you, chase it down. You can use aggro skills to get their attention or Incite Foes (Vanguard).

Team 3: heads to the “CULVERT” area and sets up barricades (only available if Assault on the East Tower was the first Side Quest), inside the culvert near the far end. Add 1 Tripwire and then Bear Traps in behind. The mobs will spawn from the tunnel (Culvert) and run around the staircase and head towards Supplies #1 and Supplies #2. You need to DPS them down as best you can inside the culvert, if a mob gets by, chase it down. At some point the team may need to fall back to the SUPPLIES AREA and fight there. If at any point a mob puts down an explosive box you must click on it to disarm it (this becomes the #1 priority).

Team 4: One tank runs to the top of each tower (West and East) of the Center Wall. Be sure the Commander is set to 2 handed weapons. When the mobs spawn, aggro them. Use the Commander to help you DPS. If you need help, YELL !!! Someone from the wall team can assist briefly.


WHERE: Behind the West wall of the Dike

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (1 Tank, 2 DPS): Culvert

TEAM 3 (4 People): Houses

STRATEGY: Teams 2 and 3 must get down below before the side quest pops up and setup for “HOUSES” and “CULVERT.”

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks. The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: Heads to the “HOUSES” area (see screenshot below) and sets up barricades (from the East Tower), Tripwires, and Bear Traps (see screenshot below). The mobs will spawn and try to attack the labourers that are carrying supplies. This is simply a DPS them down sort of fight. If a mob gets away from you, chase it down.

Team 3: Heads to the “CULVERT” area and sets up one Tripwire at the far end inside of the culvert, and then Bear Traps behind. The mobs will spawn from the tunnel (Culvert) and run around the staircase and head towards Gimli and his entourage of cadets and labourers. The tank will try to aggro the mobs and the DPS burns them down. When you reach patrol 3/4 you must keep one mob alive (tank it away from the group and single target the other mobs). When you reach 12 supplies delivered, kill the last mob.


WHERE: West Wall of the Dike

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (6 people): West Wall

TEAM 3 (2 Non DPS People): Running Healing Supplies

STRATEGY: Teams 1 and 2 stay on the main wall and kill Orcs carrying banners (Orc Siege Guides). If a banner gets placed they must disable it ASAP (top priority). Team 3 runs healing supplies from the top of the East tower of the West Wall to inside the doors of the Hornburg (main level of the West Wall) on the west side.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They then join up on the wall and kick ladders and cut grappling hooks. The rest of the team focuses on healing the banners, soldiers, and commanders. They should be kicking ladders and cutting grappling hooks (NOTE: You can use a ladder, grappling hook, or repair a banner and fight at the same time). They will assist with killing Orcs carrying banners. Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: Spreads out on the West Wall and kills Orcs carrying banners (Orc Siege Guides). If any banners get placed, they must be disabled ASAP (top priority).

Team 3: They run to the top of the East tower of the West Wall where they will find healing supplies. They pick up the supplies and then run them inside the Hornburg to the soldiers inside the doors on the west side of the West Wall. Once the supplies are placed (they ae auto removed from you) they run back and get more. Rinse and repeat until the side quest is done. Coffee and any speed buffs are great for this.


WHERE: Center Wall of the Dike

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (4 people): Center Wall / West Room of West Tower

TEAM 3 (4 People): Center Wall / East Room of East Tower

STRATEGY: All three teams stay on the Center Wall and wait for the side quest to pop. Shortly after starting there will be a boss troll named Dagri that climbs over the wall near the middle. You will need all 12 people on him until he gets to roughly 10% health. Then team 2 and 3 split off to their respective towers.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults. One person stays on the catapults until the mobs are no longer in range (only kill one side) and then joins the rest of Team 1 on the wall to heal soldiers, commanders, and banners. They will assist with killing the main boss (Dagri) until it is dead and then switch to killing Defilers (and totems). Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: One person places one barricade in front of the far window inside the West tower of the West Wall. If you happen to have had Assault on the East Tower as the very first side quest you may have some extra barricades. If this is the case drop another in front of the other window. Put tripwires in front of the windows. Then head to the main wall and wait for the boss (Dagri) to spawn. Take the boss down to roughly 10% health and then run to the doorway of the West tower of the West Wall. Stand in the doorway and DPS the Defilers (the look like they are carrying a log on their back) coming through the windows and keep an eye on the main wall closest to you. If a defiler gets past you he may try to run down the stairs, chase him down and kill him. If at any time a totem drops, DPS it down fast.

Team 3: One person places one barricade in front of the far window inside the East tower of the West Wall. If you happen to have had Assault on the East Tower as the very first side quest you may have some extra barricades. If this is the case drop another in front of the other window. Put tripwires in front of the windows. Then head to the main wall and wait for the boss (Dagri) to spawn. Take the boss down to roughly 10% health and then run to the doorway of the east tower. Stand in the doorway and DPS the Defilers (the look like they are carrying a log on their back) coming through the windows and keep an eye on the main wall closest to you. If a defiler gets past you he may try to run down the stairs, chase him down and kill him. If at any time a totem drops, DPS it down fast.


WHERE: East Wall of the Dike

TEAM 1 (2 Healers, 2 Catapults): Wall / Catapults

TEAM 2 (8 people): East Wall

STRATEGY: There will be 3 boss Uruks that spawn; one on the main wall, one on the second level of the tower, and one on the top level of the tower. These Uruks have “special skills” that need to be prevented in order to reach platinum.

TEAM 1: Two people take out the catapults and then head to the wall, killing extra mobs can cause this side quest to end too quickly, resulting in a fail. They then heal soldiers, commanders, and banners and will assist with killing the first boss on the main level of the wall. When Team 2 heads to the second boss, Team 1 stays on the wall. Do not use rock drops until the side quest is finished.

TEAM 2: One person is the Target Assist (TA) and everyone in the group MUST stay on their target. You must take down each boss one at a time. Start with the one that spawns around the center of the wall. To get platinum the group must spam corruption removals and interrupts, if this does not happen the boss will get off a “special skill” and deductions occur. Once the first boss is down the group must go together to the second level of the tower (east side) to the second boss. If people get ahead of the group the boss is likely to be able to get off a “special skill” or outright kill them. Same as the first boss; spam interrupts and corruption removals. When he is dead, the group moves to the top of the tower to the third boss. Rinse and repeat. Some groups elect to have a dedicated healer for this, however, if you have a solid tank it is not needed.


If you have found this information to be helpful please consider making a small donation to buy me a coffee (or beer).

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