Previous Servers Closing April 4
It was announced Feb 24th that all the previous servers (worlds) will be closing April 4th. Below is a list of the ones closing.
US |
EU |
Elendilmir | Estel |
Riddermark | Gilrain |
Firefoot | Eldar |
Nimrodel | Anduin |
Windfola | Morthond |
Imladris | Maiar |
Dwarrowdelf | Vanyar |
Silverlode | Withywindle |
Vilya | Snowbourn |
Meneldor |
Turbine acknowledges that there is still a back log in the cue of transfers and expects these to be cleared by April 4th. If for some reason this is not possible they will extend the April 4th closing date.
You can read more here: OFFICIAL LOTRO FORUMS