Game Mechanics

Dadi’s Guide To Damage, Mitigation, Avoidances, and Calculation


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Dadi’s Guide To Damage, Mitigation, Avoidances, and Calculation


Attack Types

Melee Attack: Attack by a physical hit of a non-ranged weapon (i.e. Sword, Dagger, Shield, etc.)
Ranged Attack: Attack by a ranged physical weapon (i.e. Arrow, Javelin, Throwing Axe, etc.)

Melee and Ranged Damage can be in the form of; Common, Westernesse, Beleriand, Ancient-dwarf. etc.

Tactical Attack: Attacks by non-physical sources.

Tactical Damage can be in the form of; Fire, Frost, Lightning, Acid, Light, Shadow, etc.

Mastery Types

Physical Mastery: All outgoing Melee and Ranged skills are based on Physical Mastery
Tactical Mastery: All outgoing Tactical skills are based on Tactical Mastery

All outgoing damage is calculated based on the initial damage type (Melee, Ranged, Tactical) of the weapon or skill being used.

Example; A sword is used to hit an enemy. The outgoing damage amount is calculated based on your Physical Mastery.

Example; An arrow treated with fire oil is fired at an enemy. The outgoing damage amount is calculated based your Physical Mastery.

Example; A Rune-keeper’s Smouldering Wrath skill is used on an enemy. The outgoing damage amount is calculated based on your Tactical Mastery.

Mitigation Types

Physical Mitigation: Reduces the amount of incoming Melee and Ranged damage.
Tactical Mitigation: Reduces the amount of incoming Tactical damage.

All incoming damage is calculated based on the final form of the damage type (Common, Westernesse, Beleriand, Fire, Acid, etc.)

Example; A sword with beleriand damage is used to hit an enemy. The incoming damage amount is mitigated based on their Physical Mitigation.

Example; An arrow treated with fire oil is fired at an enemy. The incoming damage amount is mitigated based on their Tactical Mitigation.

Example; A Rune-keeper’s Smouldering Wrath skill is used on an enemy. The incoming damage amount is mitigated based on their Tactical Mitigation.


Finesse lowers your (or the monster’s) avoidances (BPE and Resistance). It only works on full avoidances, not partials.  In addition, your finesse only affects your attacks, not the group’s.

If your enemy has 20% Finesse then it works like this for BPE;

BPE (initial) – Finesse = BPE (final)

Assuming you have 15% Block, 10% Parry, and 5 % Evade = 30% Avoidance (initial)

B (initial) 15 – (20*15/30) = ~5.0% (final)
P (initial) 10 – (20*10/30) = ~3.33% (final)
E (initial) 5 – (20*5/30) = 1.67% (final)

You now have 5.0% Block, 3.33% Parry, and 1.67% Evade = ~10% Avoidance (final)

If your enemy has 20% Finesse then it works like this for Resistance;

Resistance (initial) – Finesse = Resistance (final)

Avoidances (full)

Block: You must have a shield equipped to be able to block. The attacker must be in front of you to block the attack. Only melee and ranged damage can be blocked, tactical cannot.
Parry: You must have a weapon in your hand to be able to parry. The attacker must be in front of you to parry the attack. Only melee and ranged damage can be parried, tactical cannot.
Evade: You can evade and attack from any direction. Only melee and ranged attacks can be evaded, tactical cannot.
Resistance: You can resist an attack from any direction. Only tactical attacks can be resisted, melee and ranged cannot.

Block, Parry, and Evade (BPE) are pretty straight forward.

Example; A Captain uses Sure Strike against a foe. The foe has a shield and a sword. Therefore the foe has a chance to BPE.

Example; A Hunter uses Barbed Arrow against a foe. The foe has no weapon or shield. Therefore the foe can only have a chance to evade.

Resistance is a little tricky.

Example; A Rune-keeper’s Epic Conclusion skill is used. The defender has a chance to resist the attack (no damage).

Example; A Hunter uses Fire Oil and Barbed Arrow against a foe. The defender does not have a weapon or shield. The defender only has a chance to evade the attack as it is a ranged attack. HOWEVER, each bleed pulse can be resisted as it is tactical damage type (fire).

BPE Caps

With U18 comes a change to the game mechanics.  Block, Parry, and Evade [BPE] (physical avoidances) are now calculated such that Partial avoidances happen more frequently than Full avoidances (as it should be).  In addition, the caps have changed.

New Caps:

BPE = 13% cap

Partial BPE = 35% cap

Partial Mitigation Cap = 10% base + 50% potential = 60% cap

As before, these are soft caps, meaning that you can have skills, traits, etc. that can increase the percentage beyond the cap.  These will always show as + % (i.e. +5% Block).  The + rating (i.e. + 1,000 block rating) cannot carry you past the cap.

Roll calculation for BPE

If you have Block 15%, Parry 10%, and Evade 5%;

One d100 roll is made (0-100) to determine if you are hit. Assuming the attacker has zero finesse (for simplicity of explaining the roll mechanism):

1-15 = Block
15-25 = Parry
26-31 = Evade
32-100 = Hit (go on to partial BPE calculations)

However, you must factor in Finesse for the above (see Finesse section above).

Avoidances (partial)

Only Block, Parry, and Evade (BPE) can be partial. Essentially blocked some of the attack with the shield but were glanced by the weapon, or you stopped most of the weapon attack with your weapon but took some of the hit, or you did not take a direct hit but still took damage. You cannot partially resist and attack.

Devastating Critical / Critical

Devastating Crit (2x your max damage) > Crit (1.5x your max damage) > Normal Hit (1x)

One roll is used to determine the outcome of Dev Crit and Crit.

Ex. If you have a 10% Dev Crit chance and a 25% Crit chance:

Roll (0-100)

0-10 = Dev Crit
11-35 = Crit
36-100 = Normal Hit

Critical Defence

Crit D does not reduce your chances of being hit by a Critical (or Devastating). It reduces the magnitude of the Crit / Dev Crit.

As stated above, Dev Crits have a magnitude of 2x (200%) your max damage and Crits have a magnitude of 1.5x (100%) your max damage.

Dev Crit Mag (initial) – Crit D = Dev Crit Mag (final)
Crit Mag (initial) – Crit D = Crit Mag (final)


A mob hits you with a Devastating Crit (magnitude = 200%) and you have a Critical Defence of 50%. The max damage of the mob skill was 1,000.

Dev Crit Mag (initial) – Crit D = Dev Crit Mag (final)

200% (initial) – 50% (Crit D) = 150% Dev Crit Mag (final)

Raw Damage (can be further reduced) = 1,000 * 150% = 1,500

Damage Calculations

To my knowledge in its simplest form damage is calculated in the following way;

Physical Attacks (Ranged / Melee)

1) Roll to see if hit

a) If miss – No damage (end chain of events)
b) If hit, go to 2

2) Roll to see if Block, Parry, or Evade (one roll to determine which of BPE; or none) – NOTE: Finesse lowers these percentages (BPE).

a) If successful – No damage (end chain of events)
b) If fail, go to 3

3) Roll to see if Partial Block, Parry, or Evade from above (one roll)

a) If successful, go to 8
b) If failed, go to 4

4) Roll to see if hit is a Devastating / Critical (one roll)

a) If Dev, go to 6
b) If Crit, go to 7
c) If fail, go to 9

6) Calculate magnitude of Devastating, go to 9 (takes in to account Crit D)
7) Calculate the magnitude of Critical, go to 9 (takes in to account Crit D)
8) Calculate the partial BPE mitigation, go to 9
9) Damage reduced by Physical Mitigation or Tactical Mitigation (i.e. Fire Oil on arrows)
10) Raw incoming damage to be further reduced by Tomes, Buffs, Etc.

Tactical Attacks

1) Roll to see if resisted NOTE: Finesse lowers the resistance percentage.

a) If resisted – No damage (end chain of events)
b) If hit, go to 2

2) Roll to see if hit is a Devastating / Critical (one roll)

a) If Dev, go to 4
b) If Crit, go to 5
c) If fail, go to 6

4) Calculate magnitude of Devastating, go to 6 (takes in to account Crit D)
5) Calculate the magnitude of Critical. go to 6 (takes in to account Crit D)
6) Damage reduced by Tactical Mitigation
9) Raw incoming damage to be further reduced by Tomes, Buffs, Etc.

I am aware that there are various factors that can affect the various steps above, I am looking for the process in its rawest form.

What About Damage Types That Are Altered?

The difficult concept that many have a hard time wrapping their heads around is when the damage type is altered (i.e. Hunter oils).

Hunter Using Fire Oil

Example; A Hunter uses Fire Oil and Barbed Arrow against a foe.

ARROW (Fire)

The arrow itself can be Blocked, Parried, or Evaded (BPE).
Assuming a direct hit, the outgoing damage is calculated based on the Hunter’s Physical Mastery (due to the Ranged type of attack).
The incoming damage amount can be mitigated by the defender’s Tactical Mitigation (due to the fire damage type).

BLEED (Fire)

Each bleed pulse can be Resisted.
Assuming it is not resisted, the damage amount is calculated on the Hunter’s Physical Mastery.
The damage taken by the foe can be mitigated by its Tactical Mitigation (fire type damage).


Found this from a Dev on Partial BPE:

[QUOTE=Graalx2;5718843]Partial mitigation will no longer add to regular mitigation. Instead it will be multiplicative. 100 damage 60% mitigation + 50% partial mitigation = 100*(1-.6)*(1-.5) = 20 damage.

The reason behind this change is to prevent players from becoming immune to monsters with the increased mitigation and BPE rates available in Isengard.

The reason this isn’t in the patch notes is that it would cause more confusion than clarification. Many players assume that is the way it always worked. Only those really into the math knew that partial mitigation was additive. I felt that a forum post in the Guardian or Warden forum would get out the knowledge for those who are interested.[/QUOTE]

Found this from a Dev on Critical and Devastating:

[QUOTE=DangerDan;2285324]They are not a percent of a percent. If you have a 15% chance for a regular critical and a 4% chance for a devastating critical, you have a 19% chance to critical in one form or another. Both kinds of critical will allow you to use your crit-response skills.[/QUOTE]

Any input in to the above would be great. Please try to find factual data to back up your statements.


If you have found this information to be helpful, please consider an in game donation to Dadi (on Arkenstone) or better yet a couple of dollars to buy me a beer.

Every Bit Helps Keep The Site Going


One thought on “Dadi’s Guide To Damage, Mitigation, Avoidances, and Calculation

  • Giseldah

    “Partial mitigation will no longer add to regular mitigation. Instead it will be multiplicative. 100 damage 60% mitigation + 50% partial mitigation = 100*(1-.6)*(1-.5) = 20 damage.”

    The same happens with source damage reduction like what the Tome of Defence consumable provides: – 10% Incoming Damage. It’s also a separate mitigation percentage which is multiplicative.
    Used with the above example it gives: 100*(1-.6)*(1-.5)*(1-.1) = 18 damage

    In my spreadsheet I calculate the total mitigation percentages from combining mitigation and source damage reduction. Like 100-100*(1-.6)*(1-.1) = 64% (so maxed heavy armour + tome of defence gives 64% combined). A captain using Shield of the Dunadain (-75%) will have: 100-100*(1-.6)*(1-.75) = 90%

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